4% to 10% improvement in traffic flow is what the province of Noord-Holland expects to gain by using HAL24K's Queue Prediction solution on provincial intersections.
Be certain about model uncertainty
In the latest post in our TechBlog, Sam Blake guides you through the process of developing a new deep learning model that can predict its own uncertainty.
AI in the digital water sector
Find our traffic solutions on AppSource and Azure Marketplace
A coordinated effort for the real-world tracking of assets
A confidence booster from HAL24K’s data scientists
Smart traffic management gets more than vehicles moving
Payback time
The start of something good
How data and legal aid can fight property crime
Open Door Legal is an award-winning, non-profit based in San Francisco, which provides access to civil legal aid for low-income residents. It is also committed to gathering data and HAL24K offered its data science expertise to investigate what influence the availability of civil legal aid might have on rates of property crime.