Traffic flow forecasting at toll plazas


Case study

The client

Olympia Odos is responsible for managing and maintaining a 200km motorway in Greece that runs from Athens to Patras, including toll stations.

The challenge

During weekends and holidays, traffic surges exceed the processing capacity of the plazas, causing acute congestion at toll stations and customer frustration.

The HAL24K approach

Taking data from induction loops, local weather, historical ticketing and calendar data, operational traffic intensity models were built to predict traffic at toll plazas up to 2 weeks in advance.

The operational advantage

Forecasts are distributed to drivers allowing them to make departure time changes and avoid congestion.

The future

The traffic forecasting solution can enable Olympia Odos to anticipate peaks in traffic volume and regulate flow, e.g. by opening or redirecting lanes.

Long and medium-term forecasts will also help optimize workforce allocation and schedule maintenance.

Delays at toll plazas frustrate drivers. But with HAL24K Dimension’s accurate predictions and near real-time visualization of traffic intensities, we can provide our customers with the updates they need to better plan their journeys, leading to less congestion.
— Olympia Odos, Greece

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